It was really good... But none of them have really had the spark of the original magical trevor.
It was really good... But none of them have really had the spark of the original magical trevor.
Stole the joke...
I heard that years ago... The animation was alright, but c'mon..
I also didn't like the god voice.
I hold no secrets, I found this idea from a website, I e-mailed the guy who made it and found no reply.
Nice text effects!
The movie looks good - always a sonic fan. But the killer is the text. What program did you use to get that shifting light effect?
I've been LOOKING ALL OVER for something like that!
PLEASE respond with some info!
Looks good, man. Especially in that the characters look exactly like they should.
- M
Nice.. it was short and to the point. With so many sonic movies out there, it's hard to come across one as well-made and polished as this. From what it looks like, you've been with sonic since the beginning. The art was great, and the part with sonic holding the ring at the end... It just kinda summed up Sonic.
Great job.
Worth it
Haha, that's really. funny.. Good job.
I liked how it was fast-paced and sorta-random, not at all like most of the movies on NG.
Not the best, but really funny
It wasn't the best Star Wars parody, but it was really funny and I liked the style.
Also that part with Luke and Vader at the end.. that was hilarious.
Funny is what ICHHLT is(not always unfortunatly)all about.
I'll try to make my future flashes as stylish as this.
Glad you found it entertaining and thanks.
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Age 34, Male
Mill Valley
Shawnee, KS
Joined on 8/15/04